Books and articles written by
Dada Veda and colleagues
Wisdom of Yoga
by Dada Vedaprajinananda
Would you like to know about the history of yoga and
would you like a simple introduction to yoga philosophy and practice? If
so then you will find The Wisdom of Yoga to be an invaluable
guide. Dada also looks at holistic solutions to the problems that
disturb the harmony and peace on our planet. |
Chapters of the book are as follows:
Tantra: the Science of Liberation
Ashtanga Yoga: Eight Steps to Perfection
The Layers of the Mind
Life, Death and Reincarnation
The Cosmic Cycle (Yoga Cosmology and Theory of Creation)
The Future of Civilization
Neo-Humanism - Love for all beings
PROUT - a new socio-economic theory for the new era
This is an e-book in PDF format and you can buy it with a secure online
connection paying by credit card or Paypal. The ebook costs $7.95
and all proceeds support the
Albanian Sunrise School, the charity in
Albania that Dada personally directs.
Get your copy today.
Click here to order!
Yoga Weight Loss Secrets
by Dada Vedaprajinananda

If you have been trying to lose weight unsuccessfully, then this e-book may
be what you are looking for. Dada offers a simple yoga and meditation
program that is combined with easy-to-follow tips for eating, exercise and
general health.
Click here for more information about
Yoga Weight Loss Secrets |
Start Meditation, Stop Smoking
by Dada Vedaprajinananda
Smoking is a major hazard to health. If you are a smoker you
don't need another lecture or some more scary information about what is
going to happen to you if you continue smoking.
However, you may need a method to quit smoking. Dada took his years of
experience in teaching yoga and meditation and put it in an ebook that aims
at helping smokers to get established in meditation and thus acquire the
mental and physical strength that they need to kick the smoking habit once
and for all.
Click here for more information about
Start Meditation, Stop Smoking. |
Articles written by Dada Vedaprajinananda Yoga and Health
Fasting: What are the benefits of Fasting?
The Eight Parts of Yoga Practice
How to Become Regular in Your Yoga Practice
Yoga Health Secrets: an introduction to
healthy living
How to Meditate with a Mantra
Meditation: The Greatest Secret of the
Tips for Better Meditation