How to Meditate With a Mantra
By Dada Vedaprajinananda
These days whenever a politician repeats a promise over and over again
commentators say that this promise has become a “mantra” for that politician.
For the journalists, the word “mantra” means a meaningless phrase that is
repeated endlessly. For yogis however, a mantra is a word or collection of
words, which has the power of liberating a human being from all limitations.
How can the repetition of a word or a few words have the capacity to bring about
such miraculous results? It is all based on a simple psychological principle,
“as you think, so you become.”
If you someone tells you “You’re stupid,” that’s of course a bad insult and will
hurt you. However if you start to think “I am stupid,” and keep repeating this
phrase over and over, then that is far worse. When someone tells you that you
are stupid, then this is a negative outer-suggestion. When you start to think
about it, then you are giving yourself, a negative auto-suggestion. If you keep
thinking in a negative way, then your personal development will be harmed.
Meditation mantras have a positive meaning. They remind you that your true
nature is something great: pure consciousness and boundless love. If you start
to think about the best part of your being, you will begin to have more
confidence in yourself and this will become apparent in your actions.
However, many people have read philosophical, spiritual or self-help books
explaining these ideas, and yet they never realize these great truths in their
everyday reality. It is not enough to just think about a good idea once, and
then close the book. You need to think in a concentrated and systematic manner
over a period of time in order to get results.
Meditation mantras have a special quality that helps in the task of
concentrated, positive thinking: their very vibration has the capacity to
concentrate and focus your mind. Some sounds, such as power drill breaking a
pavement, can upset you greatly, while other sounds, like soothing music, can
transport you to another world.
The syllables and words used in meditation mantras have been chosen according
their sonic capacity, and they greatly aid the task of concentration and
contemplation, as well as carrying a positive meaning.
In order to get the benefits from mantra meditation, you need to meditate
regularly with a mantra that has a positive meaning and the capacity to help you
concentrate. You need to do it on a regular basis, sitting silently two times a
day for a period of 10 to 30 minutes.
It sounds easy, but the common experience of most people is that as you sit and
try to think about one word or one phrase, your mind is quickly filled with many
other thoughts; thoughts about work, financial problems, disputes with people
and all kinds of other matters. When this happens, and it certainly will, then
you have to bring your mind back to the mantra. Meditation is a process where
you concentrate on the mantra and its meaning for as long as you can, and when
you mind wanders, you bring it back.
Keep doing it, and you will attain an improved capacity to concentrate and deep
inner peace.
It may still sound too good to be true, and some intellectuals scoff at the
alleged power of a mantra. Once, a renowned Indian yogi came to America and
delivered many lectures on this subject. In one of the lectures he was
challenged by someone in the audience who said that it was not possible for a
single word to deliver the results that the yogi promised. The yogi turned to
the man, who was a distinguished professor and said “You fool!”
The professor turned red, and began to shout at the yogi, who calmly watched the
professor unwind.
The yogi then addressed the professor and said: “Now can you understand the
power of a single word? All I did was utter the word “fool” and your behavior
was changed in an instant!
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