Before I tell you what the mission from God is all about, I have to apologize for not updating this blog section very often. I tend to post my latest doings on Facebook, usually at my personal profile Dada Vedaprajinananda (you can befriend me or follow me to keep up with everything) and sometimes on my music page
Now, the Mission from God stuff.. A year ago I was in India and one of the Ananda Marga nuns was describing her program to build a hospital in Kolkata that will offer medical treatment to the “poorest of the poorest.” The nun is an old friend, Didi Ananda Prajina. She has been working on this project since the early 1990s and was able to purchase choice land and start construction of the hospital. It has been a long struggle but she has now been able to open an outpatient clinic on the first floor of the building which is still in construction.
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Didi explained that she need some more money to fully establish the outpatient clinic but it would cost “several lakhs of rupees.” A lakh is an Indian term and means 100,000. I added it all up and then used my calculator to figure out how much she was talking about. It was only around $7000. I said to her, “Didi that is not much money, we can raise it.” As soon as I got back from India I started a Go Fund Me campaign located at . We have raised around $1000 so far. (I am not a swift fund raiser because I don’t like to repeatedly ask people). Despite not having meting the target, Didi has pushed ahead and started offering homeopathic service from the four completed rooms on the first floor. She will be able to offer full conventional medical services if she can complete some of the basic infrastructure work so we still have to get at least $5000 more.
A long while back I saw The Blues Brothers movie and in that movie they had to raise $5000 for a nun in Chicago who was trying to save her orphanage. They went on a zany quest to give a concert to raise the money. They destroyed a whole shopping mall and scores of Chicago police department cars in the process but they did it, and whenever they were trying to convince someone to help them Dan Aklyroyd (one of the Blues Brothers) said “I’m on a mission from God.” So I got this crazy idea to give some concerts to help the Didi, the nun in India, not Chicago to raise money for her hospital. The tour is the Mission from God Tour. I will be giving house concerts starting in September, 2018 . I am working on some possible concerts in the Northeast US and will post the places and dates when they are finalized. I am also able to travel to other parts of the US. If you would like to organize a fund raising house concert contact me using the contact form on the website. If you can get 10-20 people together in any place (could even be your living room) I can give a concert there. Have guitar, will travel.
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