Do What You Can Is a collection of songs for children done in a simple folk style by Dada Veda and friends. The title track, Do What You Can, is based on an incident in India’s epic poem, The Ramayana, in which a small squirrel shows that it is your heartfelt effort that counts and not your absolute strength. Other songs on the CD are equally inspiring and upbeat. In addition to Dada’s original songs there are some old favorites too such as This Little Light of Mine and The Eensy Weensy Spider
Dada Veda: guitar, harmonica and vocals
Germaine Light: vocals
Jesse James Crawford: vocals, ukulele, Melodica, recording and production, cover design
$13.00 for the physical CD
Use the Bandcamp widget below to listen to tracks or order digital downloads of tracks or the entire CD
Dada on the making of the CD
“I used to sing songs for the children in my kindergarten in Albania, many of which are included on this CD. When I came back to the US in 2008, I also sang in farmers markets and noticed that young toddlers were attracted to my music. Then I thought that I should make a children’s CD.
I started by writing the title track, using an incident in the Indian epic The Ramayana as my guide. I was not able to find time to write more original songs but decided to use the public domain kids’ classics that I sang in the kindergarten.
We recorded the CD in one week and our recording equipment was simply a usb mic and a Mac with Garageband! Jesse James Crawford was the genius behind it all, doing the recording and adding vocals, ukulele and the melodica. My neighbor Germaine Light added vocals.
This simple CD has attracted the most attention of all my CDs on Spotify due to the inclusion of Good Morning Dear Earth, Good Morning Dear Sun, which is a well-known song in Waldorf schools.”