Meditation, Music and Social Vision

Category: Spirituality (Page 6 of 9)

Gigs in NYC and a new meditation Video

Those of you who are on my mailing list got a complete update recently with more news of the tour of the US and also Central America.

Since then the newest development is a new meditation video produced by John Elliot. You can view it at

In addition to that I played my first performances in New York City… Well, I was born here, but for the past thirty years I have been living abroad… Continue reading

North American Tour: New York State, North Carolina and Atlanta, Georgia

In the last two weeks I have been to New Paltz (upstate NY), Ithaca, Asheville, NC, Greensboro, NC, and Atlanta, GA.  I am now back in New York City and getting ready for another adventure, but before I tell you about that. Here are some highlights from the last two weeks.

(The photo below is from the workshop-house concert in Atlanta )
House Concert in Atlanta, Georgia

Click the link to read about the tour: Continue reading

North American Tour is in Progress

I am just writing to let everybody know that my North American tour is moving along nicely.  On September 28 I visited the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. I was invited there to give a yoga workshop, but one of the scheduled bands failed to show up and I was given the opportunity to present a set of music. The event took place in an open amphitheater located in front of a beautiful lake.

Here is a photo from the festival:

I also visited meditators in Washington, Philadelphia and attended a yoga retreat in Plainfield, Massachusetts. This past weekend I presented a lecture on kundalini yoga at the Ananda Marga retreat in Asheville, NC. I am currently in Greensboro, North Carolina and a concert is scheduled for Thursday, October 23 (if you are in the area, please come!)

At the retreat in Massachusetts I held a music program for the children and did the same songs that I sing in Albania with the children of the Albanian Sunrise School.

Is Sarah Palin Truly Pro-Life?

By Dada Vedaprajinananda

Someone who was practically unknown a few weeks ago has now become one of the most important political figures in the United States. That “someone” is of course Sarah Palin, the Governor of Alaska, who is now the Republican candidate for vice president.  Palin’s candidacy has energized the Republican Party, especially heartening those on the right wing who adore her small-town lifestyle and social views, particularly her anti-abortion stand which is called “pro-life” in the U.S. But is Governor Palin truly pro-life, in the wider sense of the term. In my personal opinion, she fails to live up to this ideal. Continue reading

Lessons in Non-Attachment

by Dada Vedaprajinananda

Recently I gave a meditation workshop in England and touched on the issue of non-attachment. Yoga philosophy tells us that we shouldn’t be morbidly attached to physical objects because they are transitory and perishable. If we can remember that our self-worth and being do not depend on these physical objects then we will be better off. Continue reading

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