Meditation, Music and Social Vision

Category: Spirituality (Page 2 of 9)

A Balanced Mind: One of the Secrets of Success

7000 years ago, or so, Sadashiva, the founder of yoga, said that one of the seven secrets of spiritual success is to have a balanced mind.

What does this mean? One should not have a superiority complex, nor should one have an inferiority complex. Everyone knows that a big ego is an impediment to spiritual growth. However, just as the “umbrella of ego” can prevent you from feeling the rain of spiritual grace, an inferiority complex can cause you to stop striving for perfection. Continue reading

Do What You Can–The Video is Online

Back last September I released the CD Do What You Can, which featured a track by the same name.  That track was based on the story in the Ramayana in which a little squirrel tried to lend his support to a massive construction project by carrying some people to the construction site. If you haven’t heard the track yet and want to know what happened to that squirrel then you can watch a new video in which the song’s story is illustrated by my friend Justin Bernhardt.  The video is up on YouTube or you can view it right here!

Songs for Peace will be Broadcast

I will be singing songs of Bob Dylan, Pete Seeger, John Lennon, Phil Ochs and others (including a few of my song) at the Channing Murray Foundation in Urbana, IL  on Sunday at 1:00 PM.  Details are below:

Expressions of Peace | Sunday Service at the Channing Murray Foundation
Songs of Peace with Dada Vedaprajinananda
Sunday, September 8th from 1pm-2pm at 1209 W. Oregon St. Urbana

Come join us for another community-led Sunday service at the Channing Murray Foundation. A spiritual service like no other, our Expressions of Peace Sunday service series will feature community members facilitating meditations on peace and non-violence through music, poetry, dance, and art-making. This Sunday’s service will feature Dada Vedaprajinananda leading us in a song circle–welcoming participants to sing or just listen. Open to the public.

Also if you are not in town you can listen to the audio online at

Still another article on yoga ethics

I have been writing a series of articles on the ethical base of yoga, known as Yama and Niyama.  There are five principles of Yama, and these instruct a person to restrain his or her conduct in order to remain in harmony with the external environment and society.  The five points of Niyama are practices that a spiritual aspirant adopts in order to get internal harmony and purification.  My latest article in this series is about achieving thorough contentment which in yoga is known as santosha or santos’a.  You can read the article on this site by pressing this link.

Remembering Richie Havens

by Dada Vedaprajinananda

Richie Havens, one of the greatest contemporary American   folk singers, passed away this week and his passing made me remember him, his unique music and my own evolution in the 1960s.

Sometime in 1967 or 1968 I was sitting in a coffee house on my college campus and I heard a record playing Richie Havens’ version of “Just Like a Woman.”  It was a track from his album “Mixed Bag.”  The pleasing melody of Bob Dylan’s song and Richie Havens’ comforting voice really struck me and I liked it immediately. Continue reading

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