Meditation, Music and Social Vision

Category: Spirituality (Page 1 of 9)

One Day Retreat at Ananda Liina

Secrets of the Mind
Yoga-Meditation Retreat, March 28, 2015

A one day retreat combining practice with theory.

Find out how you can utilize your full potential. Yoga’s understanding of the six layers of the mind shows us how we can develop ourselves completely.  Learn about the conscious, subconscious and super-conscious mind, the meaning of dreams, how to enhance creativity, memory and much more.

Dada Vedaprajinananda, a teacher with over 40 years of experience will guide the retreat.

There will be sessions of gentle yoga postures and meditation along with the workshops on the secrets of the mind

The program begins at 10:00 am and concludes at 5:00 pm. A vegetarian lunch is included.

Price: $60
            $40 for students, unemployed and seniors

There are 15 places available in this program. To reserve your place call or send an email to

Letter from “Inside”

I maintain correspondence with an inmate in a prison Illinois.  He is an interesting person because he is using his time in prison as if he were in an ashram, meditating, reading spiritual books and trying to walk on the spiritual path.  He recently read my memoir From Brooklyn to Benares and Back  and sent me this comment.

“I have received your memoir, From Brooklyn to Benares and Back, and read it straight through in two days.  Your vignettes engaged me and I especially related to your vagabond travel adventures allowing the Cosmic Magician to guide you. I could even picture you doing the “Alice’s Restaurant” act at the draft board physical. Baba Muktananda has been a guiding light for me inmy spiritual search as has Ram Das and I can’t believe you met them. Thank you for sharing your life with us and inspiring other seekers and devotees to travel the path of self-discovery”

Ocean of Grace-A new podcast

I took a new year’s resolution to do a podcast every week, and so far I have been living up to it.  My podcasts appear each Monday on and now there is a page on this site with links to all the podcasts.  This week’s podcast is the Ocean of Grace.  I read from a discourse of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti and then give my take on what he said.  If you are interested in getting to the heart of meditation, finding out what it is really all about, then listen to the ocean of grace podcast.

Yoga’s Theory of Everything: a one-day retreat


Yoga’s Theory of Everything
Yoga-Meditation Retreat, February 28, 2015

  •  How did the universe begin?
  • What is the relationship of consciousness, matter and energy?
  • How did life begin?
  • What is the role of humans in the universe? 

The Brahma Chakra theory of Tantra Yoga provides answers to these questions giving a roadmap for personal spiritual development.

Dada Vedaprajinananda, a teacher with over 40 years of experience will guide the retreat.

There will be sessions of gentle yoga postures and meditation along with an introduction to this fascinating view of the universe.

The program begins at 10:00 am and concludes at 5:00 pm. A vegetarian lunch is included.

Price: $60
            $40 for students, unemployed and seniors

There are 15 places available in this program. To reserve your place call 347-610-2695 or send an email to

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