I’m Just an Average Cosmic Being! is the title of my latest album. It is available in digital and CD versions .It is now available with the digital version at Bandcamp.com or if you would like a CD version you can have it sent today by visiting our store here.
Here is a brief description of the album: “Dada Veda’s I’m Just an Average Cosmic Being! is refreshing in its straightforward optimism. The album combines homespun songs of love and care with social commentary. Dada Veda has spent the past several decades as a monk-social worker in the Ananda Marga meditation tradition taught by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, and this comes across in his music. Dada’s music also reflects his love of Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Bob Dylan, and his coming of age in the 1960’s counterculture in New York City. An album full of meaning, Being is a balm for the human journey.”
Also, be sure to see the new collaborative video of We Don’t Nee No Corporations, Do We? which is one of the tracks on this album. The video was made with singer Kris Pride and videographer Kari Helm, both from Bay City, Michigan.