Meditation, Music and Social Vision

Category: Music (Page 15 of 15)

Catch me in the UK

I am in London and will give two music concerts while I am here in the UK. The first one will be on Saturday night 10 March and the second one will be a house concert in Portland, UK. Details for both concerts can be found on my main website

Summer Concerts and Recording Completed

I just returned to Albania after spending a month in Germany and in England. In Germany I performed two songs at the Ananda Marga conference (held in a retreat center near Alzey).

Dada Veda and friends at the Divine Moon Festival

In England, I gave a concert-lecture in Derby and performed three sets at the Divine Moon Festival in Portland. It was a great experience for me, and I was happy to be able to collaborate with Brian Sullivan (who played fiddle) and Rasviharii (who played electric bass). Before and after the Divine Moon Festival I spent a number of days in a small studio in London and recorded 12 songs for a forthcoming CD.

The songs blend the ideas of yoga and neo humanism with country and folk music. A fellow performer at the Divine Moon Festival said that my music is “Country and Eastern.” I had never thought of it like that and I thank her for the comment.

If you would like a concert of Country and Eastern Music performed in your locale, then just send me an email and I will be happy to oblige you!

Divine Moon Festival in Portland

The Divine Moon Festival was a great event.  Musicians, dancers, actors and artists representing several diverse spiritual traditions performed on the island of Portland, in the South of England from 18-20 August 2006.

On the website you can see the diversity of the program, and if you visit the website in the coming days you will also see photos of the artists who performed. Don’t miss this festival next year, as I think it will grow into an important spiritual and artistic happening.

Divine Moon Festival, Coming up in August

I am busy preparing for my appearance at the Divine Moon Festival, August 18-20. The festival takes place in Portland (Dorset) England, and features artists reflecting a wide variety of spiritual traditions including Yoga, Christian mysticism and Buddhism.

If you are going to be anywhere near England during the month of August, you should make it a point to attend the festival. Visit the festival website now and see for yourself what an exciting event it will be.

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