In a few days I will be in India. I will be bringing a box of my new CDs and I hope to give copies to many schools in India which are run by the Ananda Marga organization. In addition I will be participating in a six day event of kiirtan (spiritual chanting) and meditation, and at the end of the my stay in India I will give a few lectures. Last year I spoke at a college in Odisha and at the Renaissance Universal Club in Bhubanesvar.
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My new children’s-oriented CD is ready for shipping. If you want to order the CD now the cost, including shipping in the U.S. is $10. If you are outside the US the cost is $12.85 including shipping.
Songs on the CD:
Do What You Can
The Wise One’s Say
This Little Light of Mine
Eensy Weensy Spider
Good Morning Dear Earth
We Are All Brothers and Sisters
Tiny Green Island
Love is the Best
You Can Make the Sun Shine
Clouds Are Floating
Love is All There Is/Baba Nam Kevalam
Here is a sample track:
I was busy this weekend. I drove four hours to Carbondale in Southern Illinois on Saturday and then gave a very nice “house concert” in the Ananda Marga Center (402 South University, Carbondale). The next morning I got up and drove back to Urbana and led a “Songs of Peace” gathering at the Channing Murray Foundation on the University of Illinois campus. I was not able to broadcast the the Songs of Peace program as I had promised due to technical problems. Later on Sunday I also participated in the weekly meditation program at the Ananda Liina Center.
Speaking of house concerts. If you can gather ten or more people in your living room and want me to perform, then send me an email. I’ll try to make it work, depending of course on my schedule and the distances involved in responding to your request.
This photo is from the concert in Carbondale,
I will be singing songs of Bob Dylan, Pete Seeger, John Lennon, Phil Ochs and others (including a few of my song) at the Channing Murray Foundation in Urbana, IL on Sunday at 1:00 PM. Details are below:
Come join us for another community-led Sunday service at the Channing Murray Foundation. A spiritual service like no other, our Expressions of Peace Sunday service series will feature community members facilitating meditations on peace and non-violence through music, poetry, dance, and art-making. This Sunday’s service will feature Dada Vedaprajinananda leading us in a song circle–welcoming participants to sing or just listen. Open to the public.
Also if you are not in town you can listen to the audio online at
I just posted the studio version video of “I Don’t Eat Meat.” Some years ago I posted a live version which was made at the Divine Moon Festival in England in 2006. That video is most viewed of all of my videos. The new video is the studio version with slides that illustrate the lyrics. I hope you like it.