Meditation, Music and Social Vision

Author: admin (Page 1 of 30)

Here is a new song-video

Here is a new song which will be released as part of an album in early 2024.

I wrote this song in response to someone who told me that he was having inner conflicts as he explored new spiritual practices which were different from the beliefs that he was brought up with. Let me know what you think of it.

Catching Up on the News!

A lot of time has gone by since my last post which talked about the release of the album “I’m Just an Average Cosmic Being!”  We have released a single  which is a revised version of “We Are Never Alone or Helpless” which features Kris Pride of Bay City, Michigan.  There is a YouTube video which you can see below. The track is also on all streaming platforms and can be downloaded at Apple Music.

In addition I am working on new songs and hope to have another album of songs out soon.  Also my spiritual podcast series is going strong and you can listen to them on any podcast platform by searching for Ananda Marga Dharmacast, or visiting our webpage

If you are into social change then check out my recent book Prout Explained which is in the store area of this site. More surprises are coming up. Stay tuned.

New Album is Here!

I’m Just an Average Cosmic Being! is the title of my latest album. It is available in digital and CD versions .It is now available with the digital version at or if you would like a CD version you can have it sent today by visiting our store here.

Here is a brief description of the album: “Dada Veda’s I’m Just an Average Cosmic Being! is refreshing in its straightforward optimism. The album combines homespun songs of love and care with social commentary. Dada Veda has spent the past several decades as a monk-social worker in the Ananda Marga meditation tradition taught by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, and this comes across in his music. Dada’s music also reflects his love of Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Bob Dylan, and his coming of age in the 1960’s counterculture in New York City. An album full of meaning, Being is a balm for the human journey.”

Also, be sure to see the new collaborative video of We Don’t Nee No Corporations, Do We? which is one of the tracks on this album.  The video was made with singer Kris Pride and videographer Kari Helm, both from Bay City, Michigan.

We Don’t Need No Corporations: New Single Release

Corporations cover2I have just released a new song entitled “We Don’t Need No Corporations, Do We?” It is available at all digital platforms for streaming and download. I address the theme of economic democracy in a socially conscious song.  The lyrics are new, but the tune is based on an old gospel song “This Train” which was also the base of Woody Guthrie’s song “This Train is Bound for Glory.” Have a listen at

I sing and play the rhythm guitar on this track. Backing vocals were done by Kris Pride, of Bay City, Michigan, and the lead guitar solo was added by Kevin Farge, currently living in Costa Rica.










I have a daily live stream!

Due to the pandemic and other factors as well,  I am not touring and doing live music performances.  However a new opportunity has opened up and I am streaming a live show of talk and music Monday through Saturday on . In this show I perform folk, rock, pop and traditional songs as well as my original.  I also talk about the history and back stories surrounding the songs that I write and about the songs that I cover.   This is also mixed in with the chat of the listeners and makes for a lot of fun (I am enjoying it at least).  I hope you will tune in sometime,

Also, the best way to take part in these live shows is to download the Session Live app for your phone, then you can set up an account and join the chat and also have easy access to free music 24/7.

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